icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world

icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world- here we will give you the best solutions to chapter 1 “Representation of geographical features” of icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world. students can read the entire solutions to “Representation of geographical features” carefully for their upcoming exam.

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Chapter-1 (Representation of geographical features
Chapter-2 ( landforms)

icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world-Syllabus

  1. Scarecrow by Walter de la Mare
  2. The surprise party by J R R Tolkien
  3. Summary of the poem Scarecrow
  4. An uncomfortable bed

The syllabus of icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world contains

  1. Representation of Geographical features
  2. Landforms
  3. (a )water bodies (oceans and seas)
  4. (b)Water bodies (Lakes and Rivers)
  5. Agriculture
  6. Minerals
  7. (a)Study of Continents(North America)

(b) Study of Continents (South America)

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icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world question answers

A. Answer the following questions in brief :

1. Define the map.

Answer- A map is a flat, symbolic representation of the earth or a part of the earth’s surface and it is drawn to a scale.

2. Write any three basic elements of a map.

Answer- The three basic elements of maps are distance, directions and symbols

3. Which colour would you use to show the following on a map


(a) Mountains —— Brown

(b) Lesser depth of water —- Light blue colour

4. What is a compass?

Answer-A compass is a device that shows the direction. It consists of a magnetic needle that always points north and south when it’s at rest.

5. “A map is not an accurate representation of the earth”. Justify.


6. Define scale.

Answer- A scale is a ratio between a unit distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground.

7. What is the difference between a map and a sketch?

Answer- Maps are drawn in scale but sketches are not drawn according to scale. it is drawn in free hand.

8. Name the four cardinal points.

Answer- the four cardinal points are North, East, South and West

9. What is cartography?

Answer- Cartography is the study of making and using maps.

10. Who was Ptolemy?

Answer- Ptolemy was an Egyptian mathematician who gave the idea of latitude and longitude.

11. What are conventional signs?

Answer- the signs that are used on a map is called Conventional Signs. Conventional signs are the colour, and symbol that shows various details on a map.

12. What is the importance of the grid system?

Answer- A grid system is used to find the exact location of a place on a map.

icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world solutions

B. Answer the following questions in detail :

1. What are the major types of maps? Explain.


Small scale maps- these maps represent large areas of the earth. The purpose of such maps is to show a small amount of detail about a large area. Ex-Atlas map

Large scale map- These maps show a large number of details about a small area. Ex-road map, city map

Political maps– maps that show the boundaries and areas of different countries and states are called political maps. these are also a small-scale map that shows the capital, cities and other important towns.

Physical map- these maps show the physical features like oceans, continents, mountains and plains

Thematic maps- these maps are used to represent only particular features such as types of weather, industries, forest, people and minerals.

2. “Maps are useful tools.” Explain.

Answer- maps are useful tools because it is effective means of showing the location of a place. it is used to provide details of a place like its topography and climate. And maps are also used to represent many characteristics of an area, shape, direction and distance.

3. What is a scale? Explain the two common types of scales.

Answer- A scale is a ratio between a unit distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground. There are two common types of scales which are used to represent distances.

Linear scale- it consists of a straight line, drawn to scale, which is divided conveniently in terms of distance on the earth.

Representative fraction- in this method the map scale is expressed as a numeric ratio. The denominator represents the corresponding ground distance.

4. “Key or symbols reveals the story of a map”. Analyse the statement.


icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world notes

C. Define :

(a) Delta-

Answer- A triangular piece of land that develops at the mouth of a river by deposition of sediments.

(b) Tributary

Answer- A tributary is a smaller river or stream that joins a large river.

(c) Distributary –

Answer- it is a river or a stream which flows away from a large river.

(d) Block Mountain

Answer- Block Mountains are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. The uplifted blocks are called horst and the lowered blocks are called graben.

(e) Anticline

Answer-The upfolds in the rocks due to the folding of rocks are called Anticline.

(f) Syncline

Answer- The downfolds in the rocks due to the folding of rocks are called syncline.

(g) River

Answer- A river is a body of flowing water.

Representation of geographical features chapter 1 class 6 question answers

D. Mark True (T) or False (F) against the statements given below :

1. A sketch is drawn exactly to scale. (F)

2. A plan is a large-scale map. (T)

3. The north is shown on the right-hand side of a map. (F)

4. Scale of the map helps in measuring the actual distances between various places shown On a map. (T)

5 Maps are sometimes drawn without a scale. (F)

 6. A map can show even a small part of the earth. (T)

Representation of geographical features chapter 1 class 6 solutions

E. Give a single term for each of the following

1. A model of the earth of small size.—- Globe

2. Lines on the maps showing the height of places above the sea level— Contour lines

3. A map showing the boundaries of countries and states. — Political map

4. A map on a very large scale. —- Large-scale map

5. A rough drawing not drawn to scale. — Sketch

icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world-Chapter 1

F. Match the following :

symbols and signs used in a map

G. Select the correct answer from those given below each of the statements.

1. Which of the following is a true representation of the earth as a whole? – Globe

2. Which of the following is not made to scale?— Sketch

3. What is shown with the help of contour lines on maps?— Height

4 Which of the following, will have the largest scale?— A city guide map

5 The map showing the boundaries and areas of different countries and states is called— political map

Features of a map-icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world

  1. Maps provide information about far-off countries.
  2. Maps show the rivers, mountains and roads.
  3. The map shows the natural conditions, climate, and vegetation of a particular area.
  4. Maps are extremely useful for defence purposes.

icse class 6 geography-New trends in Discovering the world MCQs

  1. A _____ is a map which is drawn at a very large scale. (plan)
  2. The science of map making is called ______(cartography)
  3. ______ are used to show different features on maps(conventional sign)
  4. _____ represents large areas of the earth. (small scale map)
  5. ______ shows a large number of details about a small area. (Large scale map)
  6. The temperature of various places is shown on the map by lines joining places with the same temperature are called ______( isotherms)
  7. Lines which join places of the same height are called ______ lines. (contour lines)
  8. The shape of earth is called ________( Geoid /sphere)
  9. ______ is a three-dimensional scale model of the earth. (Globe)
  10. ____ is a true model of the earth. (Globe)
  11. A _____ is a 3D software model or representation of the earth or another world. ( virtual globe)
  12. A ____ is a flat, symbolic representation of the earth or a part of the earth’s surface. ( Map)
  13. ______ is the proportion between the actual or ground distance or map distance. (scale)
  14. ______ are used to provide details of a place like its topography, climate etc. (map)
  15. Maps showing the boundaries and areas of different countries and states are called ___ (Political map)
  16. Political maps are _____ maps (small sale maps)
  17. Maps that show the ocean, plateaus, and continents are called _____ ( physical map)
  18. Maps that represent only particular features like weather, forests, industries, people, and minerals are called ______ (Thematic map)
  19. The four major directions are called _____ (Cardinal points)
  20. A ______ is an instrument that shows direction. ( Compass)
  21. _____ or _____ tells the story of the map. ( key / symbols)
  22. Maps are only _______ dimensions. ( two dimensions)
  23. _______ is used to show the height of land and the depth of the sea. ( Colour)
  24. ______ Colour is used to show mountains. ( brown)
  25. _______ Colour is used to show the lesser depth of the sea. (light blue)
  26. ______ Colour is used to show deeper areas. ( dark blue)
  27. In this method, the map scale is expressed as a numeric ratio. ( Representative fraction)
  28. ______ is a set of lines used to find the exact location of a place on a map. ( Grid system)
  29. _____ are imaginary circular lines running parallel to the equator. (Lines of Latitude)
  30. _____ are the imaginary lines that bisect the globe through the north and south. ( Longitude)
  31. Maps that are not drawn according to scale are called ____ ( Sketch)
  32. _____ is a body of flowing water. (river)
  33. A _____ is a winding curve in a river formed as a result of depositional and erosional processes. (meander)
  34. A ______ is a smaller river or stream that joins a large river. ( Tributary)
  35. ______ is a river or stream which flows away from a large river. ( Distributary)
  36. _______ is a triangular piece of land that develops at the mouth of a river by deposition of sediments.
  37. _______ are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. (Block mountains)
  38. _____ is a process that produces folds and bends in rock. ( Folding)
  39. The upfolds in the rocks are called _______ (anticlines)
  40. The downfolds in the rock are called _____ (synclines)

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