In my about me section, I am going to explain the site it is one of the finest Portal run by Pranab Mohanty, where I discuss and solve the question answers of CBSE and ICSE syllabi of different classes. basically, it’s an educational site where students will gather lots of information, subject notes, subject summary and important questions and their answers in a systematic manner that may help the student to perform better in their examination.
If you visit my site and go through my content then you will discover what queryexpress delivers high-quality and knowledgeable content.
About me-Steps Towards Blogging
I am starting my blogging career in 2020 and believe me, it will go miles and miles with the help of your love support and of course your blessings as well.
All About the Author

My name is Pranab Mohanty. I have completed my M-tech (industrial engineering). I have completed my in mechanical engineering. I have also completed my 3 years diploma in mechanical engineering as well. Recently I am doing my MBA.
Currently, I am working in an engineering college as Asst.Professor. Apart from that, I have near about 12 years of experience in different fields and sectors. Based on my working experience throughout my career now I think I have something for you which must be delivered through my web page. My only vision to create this web page is to motivate other energetic students who want to do something exciting in their life. I think my innovative ideas and tricks will help these beginners to achieve something in life
What he is doing?
Currently, I am working in an engineering college as Asst.Professor. Apart from that, I have near about 12 years of experience in different fields and sectors. Based on my working experience throughout my career now I think I have something for you. Therefore I started this blog which will deliver what you want through my web page. My only vision is to create this web page to motivate other energetic students who want to do something exciting in their life.
Motive and Mission
Teach the beginners about blogging and help them to earn money through Blogging. Therefore, I am giving some tips regarding health, useful Software, apps and much more.
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