Great fun with grammar class 8 question answers

Great fun with grammar class 8 chapter 9 question answers

Chapter-9, Question Tags

Add appropriate Positive question tags to the following and write the correct short

She didn’t come home late.——— Did she? No, she didn’t. 

They haven’t had tea yet.———– Have they? No they haven’t

We can’t cross the street here. ——-Can we? No we can’t

She doesn’t exercise. Does she? ——No, She doesn’t

Usain didn’t win the race. ———–Did he? No, he didn’t

They won’t help us. Will they? ——-No, They won’t

They aren’t that foolish. Are they? —-No, They aren’t

He wasn’t present at the party. ——-Was he? No, he wasn’t

They didn’t come to the meeting. —–Did they? No. they didn’t

The boy wouldn’t speak the truth.—- Would he? no he wouldn’t.

Great fun with grammar class 8 chapter 9-Question tags

B. Add appropriate negative question tags to the following and write the correct short answers.

The girl won the first prize.———–  didn’t she? Yes, she did. 

All the students have done well. ——- Haven’t they? Yes. They have

We must serve our country. ———–Mustn’t we? Yes, we must

We should help her——————Shouldn’t we? Yes, we should

She’ll visit us tomorrow. ————–Won’t she? Yes she will

Your grandparents have gone to their village– Haven’t they? Yes, they have

She speaks Urdu————————-Doesn’t she? Yes, she does

We must leave soon ———————-Mustn’t we? Yes, we must

He usually comes home late—————- Doesn’t he. Yes, he does

She rides a motorcycle —————— —Doesn’t she? Yes, she rides

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