Great fun with grammar class 8 question answers

Great fun with grammar class 8 chapter 8-Asking and answering question

Chapter-8 Asking and Answering question

Complete the answer

Does she go to the cinema every Sunday? Yes, She does.

Will they have enough money? No, they won’t

Does his mother speak English? Yes, she does. 

Can your sister drive a car? Yes, she can

Do you think she really did it? Yes, she did

Have they ever been to New York? No, they haven’t

Can you lend me a hundred rupees? Sorry, I can’t.

Has your sister done well in her examination? No, She hasn’t

Will the weather be fine tomorrow? No, it won’t

Who came in just now? Nobody came

Chapter 8 great fun with grammar class 8 solutions

Write suitable questions for the following answers.

My father is a mechanical engineer.

Answer- What is your father’s profession?

My uncle sold his house to an actor.

Answer- whom did your uncle sell his house?

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Answer- Which is the highest mountain in the world?

The policeman was looking for the thief.

Answer-whom was the policeman looking for?

He met his friend on the street last night.

Answer-Whom did he meet on the street last night?/ Where did he meet his friend last night?

That beautiful car is my uncle’s.

Answer- whose beautiful car is that?

It took them about six years to make the film on Mahatma Gandhi.

Answer-How long did it take to make the film on Mahatma Gandhi?

I got the medicine from the chemist’s

Answer-Where did I get the medicine?

Our conversation was entirely about business matters.

Answer-What was our conversation about?

The nearest railway station is hardly a kilometre away.

Answer- How far is the nearest railway station?

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