Viva education class 6 biology solutions|Adaptation class 6 viva education question answer

Viva education class 6 biology solutions– Here we will share Viva education class 6 biology solutions. if you are searching for “Adaptation class 6 viva education question-answer”, then you are in right place. queryexpress provides the complete solution to Viva education class 6 biology solutions. you can also find adaptation class 6 icse notes, MCQ on habitat and adaptation class 6, and Habitat and adaptation class 6 extra questions and answers.

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Viva education class 6 biology solutions and question answer


A. Give reasons for the following statements.

1. Birds and fish keep migrating.

Answer- Birds and fish migrate for various reasons, such as to find food, breed, or escape harsh weather conditions. Birds migrate seasonally, often travelling long distances between their breeding and non-breeding grounds. Fish also migrate for similar reasons, some species migrate for spawning and others to find food or to escape from changing water temperatures.

2. In aquatic plants, roots are reduced and stems are long, hollow and thin.

Answer- In Aquatic plants roots are reduced and stems are long, hollow, and thin stems to facilitate their survival in an aquatic environment. As water is available in plenty the roots are short to hold the plant in place in water. And stems are long, hollow, and thin to bend along with the water movement and allow plants to float in water.

3. Animals like rats and snakes stay in burrows deep in the sand.

Answer- Animals like rats and snakes stay in burrows deep in the sand to avoid extreme temperatures and to hide from predators. The burrows also provide a safe and secure place for them to rest and raise their young.

4. Mountain plants are generally cone-shaped with thick bark and needle-like leaves.

Answer- These adaptations help them survive in cold and windy mountain environments. Cone-shaped trees help them to cope with heavy snowfall where thick bark protects them against cold and needle-like leaves prevent water loss.

5. Plants that grow in the marshy area have breathing roots.

Answer- Plants that grow in marshy or waterlogged areas have developed specialized structures called “breathing roots” to obtain oxygen from the air while their roots are submerged in water. Breathing roots are cone-shaped roots that come out of the ground and grow vertically upwards. They have minute pores through which they take air from the atmosphere.

Viva education class 6 biology solutions icse

Answer in short.

1. Name the two components of a habitat. 18

Answer-Living or biotic components and Non-living or a-biotic components

2. Describe the modification of leaves in a pine tree.

Answer- needle-like leaves with a thick waxy coating to prevent water loss. Thick bark protects against cold cone-shaped trees protect them from heavy snowfall and also protects the seeds from severe cold.

3. What special features prevent the mountain goat from slipping on the rocks?

Answer-Mountain goat hooves are soft and flexible. They help it to balance on the rocky slopes and prevent it from slipping.

4. Give two adaptations of aerial plants. 2

Answer-They have aerial roots and prop roots that help them for respiration and also absorb sunlight.

5. What adaptations are seen in polar bears?

Answer- In a polar bear there is a thick layer of fur on the body and a layer of fat underneath its skin. These protect the animal from cold. And padded feet help them to walk on snow.

6. What are stilt roots?

Answer- Roots that arise from the lower nodes of the stem and grow obliquely downwards which provide support to the plant. Sugarcane, wheat and maize are examples of having stilt roots.

Adaptation class 6 viva education question answer

AT LENGTH-A. Explain the following terms.

1. Environment

Answer- Everything that surrounds living things and affects their growth and development is called the environment. Both living and non-living things are part of the environment.

2. Adaptation

Answer-The presence of features or certain habits which help an organism to live In a particular habitat or environment is called adaptation. Different living organisms adapt to live in their surroundings in different ways. Adaptation involves a combination of features such as shape, size, colour, structure and behaviour.

3. Emerged plants

Answer- Emerged plants have plate-like broad leaves that float on water. Their roots are fixed in the soil and their stems which are several inches to several feet long emerge out of the water. Lotus is an example of the emerged plant.

4. Aerial roots

Answer- Aerial roots are generally found in rainforests where there is stiff competition for food and sunlight. They are of different types such as

  1. prop roots(banyan, screw pine of plants)
  2. Stilt roots( Sugarcane, maize, wheat)
  3. Climbing roots( Money plant and Indian ivy)
  4. Breathing root pneumatophores ( mangroves)

5. Pneumatophores

Answer-They are found in marshy or waterlogged areas where the soil is often covered with salty water. the roots of such plants do not get sufficient oxygen for respiration therefore in these plants cone-shaped roots come out of the ground and grow vertically upward. They have pneumatophores (tiny pores) that help them to survive in low-oxygen environments.

Adaptation class 6 icse notes viva education

B. Differentiate between the following.

1. Desert plants and mountain plants

  1. Desert plants have deep roots to access underground water They have small leaves(spine) to reduce water loss through transpiration
  2. Desert plants have the ability to store water
  3. Desert plants tend to be more drought and heat-tolerant
  4. Desert plants have thinner and waxy leaves to conserve water

Mountain plants

  1. Mountain plants have short, tough leaves to withstand strong winds and cold temperatures, and the ability to grow at high elevations
  2. Mountain plants have the ability to survive in harsh environments with low oxygen.
  3. Mountain plants are cold and wind-tolerant
  4. Mountain plants typically have thicker leaves and more protective layers to retain moisture.

2. Aquatic plants and aerial plants

  1. Aquatic plants grow in water or in soil that is saturated with water.
  2. Aquatic plants have floating, submerged, and emerged leaves to help them access sunlight and float on the water’s surface.
  3. Aquatic plants have aerenchyma to help them float and access oxygen.
  4. Aquatic plants can survive in high humidity.
  5. Aquatic plants have the ability to survive in low oxygen levels in water

Aerial Plants

  1. Aerial plants grow above the water surface and do not require an aquatic environment to survive.
  2. The roots of Aerial plants can absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
  3. Aerial plants typically have specialized structures such as stomata for gas exchange and lignin for structural support.
  4. Aerial plants tend to be more drought-tolerant
  5. it can survive in low humidity.

Habitat and adaptation class 6 extra questions and answers.

C. Answer in detail.

1. Define habitat. Name some habitats with their examples.

A habitat is a natural environment in which a particular organism or species lives and thrives. It includes all the physical, chemical, and biological conditions that an organism needs to survive, such as food, water, shelter, and space. Examples of habitats include:

  • Forest: a dense growth of trees, bushes, and other plants that provide shade, shelter, and food for many animals
  • Grassland: wide open spaces with tall grasses and few trees that are home to grazing animals like bison, antelopes, and elephants
  • Desert: a dry, barren area with little rainfall that is home to cacti, snakes, and lizards
  • Wetland: a marshy area with shallow water, reeds, and other plants that is home to amphibians, reptiles, and waterfowl.

2. List the adaptations in aquatic plants.

  1. Floating leaves: Many aquatic plants have leaves that float on the surface of the water, which allows them to absorb sunlight more efficiently.
  2. Submerged leaves: Some aquatic plants have leaves that are completely submerged underwater. These leaves are usually thin and translucent, which allows light to pass through to the plant’s chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
  3. Root adaptations: Aquatic plants have modified roots that allow them to anchor themselves in the substrate, such as mud or gravel, and absorb nutrients from the water.
  4. Adaptations to withstand water flow: Some aquatic plants have adapted to withstand the flow of water in rivers and streams by having strong, anchored stems and flexible leaves.

3. How has the camel adapted itself to live in the desert?

  1. Water storage: Camels can store large amounts of water in their humps, which allows them to go long periods of time without drinking.
  2. Temperature regulation: Camels have a thick coat of fur that insulates them from the heat during the day and keeps them warm at night.
  3. They also have the ability to close their nostrils and eyelids to keep out sand during sandstorms.
  4. Food storage: Camels can eat large amounts of food in a short period of time and store it in their stomachs.
  5. Feet and leg adaptations: Camels have wide, padded feet that help them walk on soft and hot sand.

4. List the adaptations in desert plants.

  1. Small leaves or no leaves(spines) at all to reduce water loss
  2. Waxy or hairy coatings on leaves and stems to reduce water loss
  3. Deep roots to access underground water sources
  4. Storage of water in stems or leaves

5. List the adaptations in mountain goats.

  1. Thick fur to insulate against cold temperatures
  2. Hooves with rough edges and pads to provide grip on steep, rocky terrain
  3. Lungs and hearts that are larger than those of other goats facilitate oxygen uptake at high altitudes
  4. Strong leg muscles to help them climb steep inclines

MCQ on habitat and adaptation class 6 biology viva education

Fill in the blanks.

  1. _____ and ____ are examples of mountain animals. ( Mountain goat and yak)
  2. Trees found on mountains are usually  ____ shaped. (Cone shaped)
  3. In birds,____ are modified into feathers. ( forelimbs)
  4. ____ have breathing roots. (mangroves)
  5. Everything that surrounds living things and affects their growth and development is called. (Environment)
  6. The natural surroundings where a living organism lives is called ______(Habitat)
  7. The presence of features or certain habits which help an organism to live in a particular habitat or environment is called (adaptation)
  8. Roots that arise from the lower nodes of the stem and grow obliquely downwards are called (stilt roots)
  9. _______ is the natural surroundings of a living organism. (Habitat)
  10. Living organisms adapt in different ways to live in their surrounding ( Adaptation)
  11. in ______ leaves are large and circular and have a waxy coating. ( needle-like)
  12. in ________ leaves are thin and ribbon-like in emerged plants, roots are fixed in the soil and stem emerges out of the water (hydrilla)
  13. Fish live in water and have a _______ body. (streamlined)
  14. _______are found in deserts. Their leaves are reduced to spines and their stems are green and spongy(Cactus).
  15. The trees found in _______ are normally cone-shaped with sloping branches. (mountain area)
  16. Mountain goats have several adaptations which enable them to live in the cold mountains
  17. Birds possess a number of features like hollow bones, streamlined bodies, and wings with feathers which enable them to fly.
  18. Water lily is an ______ plant. ( Aquatic plant)
  19. Fish breathe with the help of ______(gills)
  20. Photosynthesis occurs in _____ in desert plants. (stem)
  21. In birds, flapping of wings provides both _____ and ____ in the air. (thrust and lift)
  22. Two common organisms found in deserts are ____ and _____ (camel and fox)
  23. Mangroves have _____ roots.(breathing roots)
  24. ____ protect the internal organs of fish. (scale)
  25. _____ and _____ help the fish to change direction while swimming. ( fins and tails)
  26. ____ help the fish to use oxygen dissolved in water to breathe. (gills)
  27. ____ help the camel to blend with the surroundings. (brown-coloured body)
  28. ____ protest the eyes during the sand storm. (eyelashes)
  29. _____ stores fat in camel.( hump)
  30. _____ help the camel to walk on hot sand. ( Wide padded feet)
  31. ____ helps in reducing water loss through transpiration in cacti. ( Spines)
  32. Where photosynthesis takes place in cactus _____(stem)
  33. Many plants and animals develop special features called _____ to survive in their habitat. (Adaptation)
  34. ____ plants can easily bend and move easily in the flowing water. ( Submerged plants)
  35. _______ plants have large and circular leaves. ( Floating plants)

Adaptation class 6 biology mcqs viva education

B. State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Water lily has thin narrow leaves. (F)

2. Camel stores water in its hump. (T)

3. Camel can close its nostrils. (T)

4. The roots of desert plants go deep into the soil. (T)

5. Both fish and birds have streamlined bodies. (T)

6. In freshwater plants, roots are well-developed, as water is available in plenty. (F)

C. Choose the correct option.

1. Which animal has fins and gills? (fish)

2. Which of the following plants grow in dry areas? (cactus)

3. Which of the following animals does not live in cold places? (snakes)

4. Conifers have ____ leaves. (needle-shaped)

5. Which of the following is an abiotic component? (All of them)

6. Long eyelashes to prevent sand particles from entering the eyes are found in (Camel)

D. Identify the error(s) in the given statements.

1. Biotic components include soil, rocks, air, water, light and temperature. (Abiotic)

2. Many animals hibernate during summer. (Winter)

3. Saline water habitats include ponds and lakes. (freshwater)

4. In the mountains, the climate is hot and dry. ( Desert)

5. In birds, wings are modified into forelimbs made of feathers. ( forelimbs)

6. Stilt roots can be seen in a banyan tree. (Prop roots)

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