The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions-In this article queryexpress is providing you with the best solution for Dav class 6 English literature “The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions” with a full explanation. Here The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions helps you to make your own notes and prepare accordingly for the upcoming exam.
The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions of English literature book
Here you can find all the answers to The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions bit by bit with a full explanation. To understand chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions you have to go throw the entire post and make the notes in your notebook.
The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions (question & answer)
A. Answer the following questions in brief:
1. Why was Soames upset?
Answer: Mr Soames who was about to conduct the scholarship examination the very next day was found that the examination question paper had been leaked or copied.
2. How did Soames conclude that the papers had been tampered with by someone?
Answer: When Soames came back home after tea, he saw that his question papers were scattered here and there. Like one was lying on the floor, the second one was on the side table near the window and the third one was where it was supposed to be. Seeing this, Soames concluded that the papers had been tampered with by someone.
3. Why did Holmes ask all the three students to give him a pencil?
Answer: When Mr Holmes was checking the house, he found some pencil shreds on the table. By seeing this, Holmes came to know that this can definitely be done by any student. So to confirm whose pencil shreds it was Holmes asked all the three students to give him their pencil.
Class 6 English Chapter 11 question answer
4. How did Bannister help Gilchrist? Why did he do so?
Answer: Bannister deliberately pretended to be faint and sat on the chair so that he could hide Gilchrist’s hand gloves which were on the chair.
Bannister helped Gilchrist because he worked at Gilchrist’s house as a butler before working at Soames’ house.
5. Why did Gilchrist decide to skip the examination?
Answer: When Bannister explained to Gilchrist like a father, what he has done is wrong. Due to this Bannister realized his mistakes and decided to skip the scholarship examination.
The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions (Extra questions)
B. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1. ‘We have had a very painful incident at the college.’
(a) Identify the speaker. Whom is he speaking to?
Answer: Soames is speaking to Mr Holmes. That means Soames is the speaker.
(b) What is the painful incident?
Answer: The painful incident is that someone had copied the question paper before the Scholarship examination.
(c) What does the speaker want from the listener?
Answer: The speaker wants the listener to solve the mystery and find out the culprit before the scholarship examination.
Dav class 6 english chapter 11 question answer
2. ‘I think he wrote very fast and broke his pencil and had to sharpen it again.’
(a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to in the above line?
Answer: In the above line, “he” refers to Gilchrist.
(b) On what basis does the speaker draw the above conclusion?
Answer: The speaker draws the above conclusion on the basis of pencil shreds which was found on the table.
(c) How does this conclusion lead to the solution of the mystery?
Answer: the pencil shreds found on the table helped the speaker to find the culprit. In this way, the conclusion leads to the solution of the mystery.
3. ‘Why did you commit such an action?’
(a) Who is the speaker? Whom is he speaking to?
Answer: In the above line Mr Holmes is the speaker. He is speaking to Gilchrist.
(b) What action has the listener committed? Why?
Answer: The Listener has copied the question papers of the Scholarship examination.
(c) How does he mend his action?
Answer: He mends his action by deciding not to appear on the scholarship Examination.
HOTS-Dav english literature class 6 chapter 11 solutions
Why couldn’t Soames solve the mystery behind the copied question papers while Holmes could do it in a short time?
Answer: Soames was a simple teacher and he did not know how to solve any mystery like a detective. Whereas Holmes was a professional detective who had a lot of experience in this matter. That’s why Holmes solved this mystery very easily within a short time.
Life Skills
A. You have found a pen drive from one of your teachers. It has the question papers for the coming exams. What will you do in such a situation?
Answer: In such a situation, I will hand over the pen drive to the concerned teacher. Because it’s not good to do cheating. If I cheat, then I may fetch good marks but those numbers will never make me knowledgeable.
Was it right to set Gilchrist free at the end? Should he have been punished or not?
Punishment is given to those who do not rectify their mistake or do not even realize that they have made a mistake. But here Gilchrist admitted his mistake and also tried to improve it. Hence, Punishing Gilchrist in this sense would not be right. so it was absolutely right to set Gilchrist free at the end.
I hope you guys liked today’s topic “The Case of Copied Question Papers class 6 solutions”. Read it carefully and copy it in the notebook. if you want to learn other chapters for the class 6 English literature then follow queryexpress.
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Who has written the case of the copied question paper? Who is the author of the case of the copied question paper
The case of the copied question paper has written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
How does Gilchrist mend his action of copying the question paper?
Gilchrist mends his action by deciding not to appear on the scholarship Examination.
How did Mr Holmes trace the culprit in the case of copied question paper?
The pencil shreds found on the table helped Mr Holmes to find the culprit in the case of the copied question paper.
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