Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions- Here we will share Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions with a great explanation. for more solutions from New english ferry class 6 click the link below.
Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions
Sowing the Seed is a short poem written by the American poet and environmentalist Wendell Berry. He is not only a poet or environmentalist but also a farmer, novelist, essayist, cultural critic, and farmer as well. Today we will discuss the Sowing the Seed poem summary and question-answer that is taken from the new english ferry book for class 6.
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Poem-Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions
Sowing the seed,
my hand is one with the earth.
Wanting the seed to grow,
my mind is one with the light.
Hoeing the crop,
my hands are one with the rain.
Having cared for the plants,
my mind is one with the air.
Hungry and trusting,
my mind is one with the earth.
Eating the fruit,
my body is one with the earth.
Sowing the seed poem summary in English
When the speaker begins the process of sowing the seeds, this process has a profound effect on them. He feels that he is one with nature. He wants the seed to turn into a plant and grow into a full-grown plant. In his desire to do so, his hand becomes one with the earth when he inserts the seed into the soil.
He thinks that when the plant grows up to become a tree, then his mind becomes one with the wind, which helps the plant grow. As the speaker ploughs the crops, he thinks of the rain that has helped the crops ripen. Since he has taken care of the plants that have now grown, his mind is at peace, and he feels as light as sunlight. When the speaker is hungry, he thinks of what nature has given him. By eating the fruit, he eats the produce of the earth and becomes one with the earth.
Sowing the seed poem summary in Hindi
जब स्पीकर बीज बोने की क्रिया को शुरू करता है तब ये प्रक्रिया उनपर गहरा प्रभाव डालता है । उसे ये महसूस होता है की वह प्रकृति के साथ एक है। वह चाहता है कि बीज एक पौधे में बदल जाए और आगे बढ़कर एक पूर्ण विकसित पौधा बन जाए। ऐसा करने की इच्छा में, जब वो बीज को मिटटी के अंदर डालता है तब उनका हाथ पृथ्बी के साथ एक होजाता है।
वो सोचता है की जब पौधा बड़ा होक एक पेड बनजायेगा तब उसका मन हवा के साथ एक हो जाता है जो पौधों को बढ़ने में मदद करता है। वक्ता जब फ़सलों की जुताई करता है, तो वह उस बारिश के बारे में सोचता है जिसने फ़सलों को पकने में मदद की है। चूँकि उसने अब बड़े हो चुके पौधों की देखभाल की है, उसका मन शांत है और वह सूर्य के प्रकाश की तरह हल्का महसूस करता है जब वक्ता को भूख लगती है, तो वह सोचता है कि प्रकृति ने उसे क्या दिया है। फल खाकर वह पृथ्वी की उपज को खा जाता है और पृथ्वी के साथ एक हो जाता है।
Exercise-Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions
A.Complete the summary of the poem using the words from the box.
(air, fruit, sowing, profound, hoes, sunlight)
The act of sowing the seed has a profound effect on the speaker. He feels that he is one with nature. He wants the seed to turn into a sapling and for it to grow further to become a full-grown plant. In wishing so, his mind becomes one with the air that helps plants to grow. The speaker is perhaps a farmer when he hoes the crops, he thinks about the rain that has helped the crops to ripen. Since he has cared for the plants that have now grown, his mind is at peace and feels as light as the sunlight when the speaker feels hungry, he thinks of the products that nature has offered to him. In eating the fruit, he consumes the produce of the earth and becomes one with the earth.
Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions-Wendell Berry.
B Read these lines and answer the questions that follow.
A wanting the seed to grow, my mind is one with the light.
1. What feeling of the speaker is expressed in the first line?
Answer- The poet’s wish to see a seed grow into a plant is expressed in the first line.
2. What does the speaker mean when he says his ‘mind is one with the light’?
Answer- The speaker means that he feels united with the face of nature which helps the seeds to grow.
3. What do these lines tell us about the speaker?
Answer- These lines tell us that the speaker is very happy to be sowing the seeds and feels one with nature as he performs all the activity that helps the plant to grow.
B.Hungry and trusting, my mind is one with the earth.
Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions
1. How will the speaker appease his hunger?
Answer- The speaker will appease his hunger by eating the fruit of the plant that he helped to grow.
2. What is the speaker ‘trusting’ of?
Answer- The speaker is trusting of the earth. He trusts that the earth will help the plant to grow into a fruit tree.
3. What is the speaker’s state of mind?
Answer- The speaker’s state of mind is one of faith in what nature has created on earth. or
The speaker’s state of mind is trusting what has been put on earth.
Sowing the seed questions and answers new english ferry class 6
C. Answer these questions,
Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions
1. What does the speaker do when the crop Is ready?
Answer: The speaker hoes the crop when the crop is ready,
2. When does the speaker feel that his mind is ‘one with the air?
Answer: The speaker’s mind is one with the air when he knows that he has looked after the plant.
3. How does the speaker feel when he tastes the fruit of his labour?
Answer: When he tastes the fruits of his labour, the speaker feels that his body is one with the earth.
4. The speaker, throughout the poem, only mentions elements of nature. Why do you think he does that?
Answer: Throughout the poem, the speaker only mentions the elements of nature because these elements help the seed to grow into a plant. The air, the earth, the sunlight, and the water enable a seed to grow into a plant. He feels united with the elements of nature.
Sowing the seed class 6 new ferry answers
1. How does the speaker feel about his own role right from sowing the seed through caring for and watering the plant, to when it finally bears fruit?
Answer- The speaker feels that his role in the growth of plants is important, right from sowing the seed, through caring for and watering the plant, to when it finally bears fruit. He has helped the seed to grow into a plant by sowing the seed and then caring for the plant. Due to this, the farmer feels happy and satisfied.
2. The speaker, through this thoughtful poem, brings out the relationship that we have with the environment and the need to preserve the environment, Share your views on this statement with your classmates.
Answer- In this poem, the speaker thoughtfully brings out the fact that we are a part of nature and it is our responsibility to look after nature and its elements. We will no longer be able to survive without the help of our environment. Hence it is our responsibility to take care of nature and its valuable elements.
FAQs-Sowing the seed class 6 new english ferry solutions
Q1- What feeling of the speaker is expressed in the first line?
Answer- The poet’s wish to see a seed grow into a plant is expressed in the first line.
Q2-What does the speaker mean when he says his ‘mind is one with the light’?
Answer-The speaker means that he feels united with the face of nature which helps the seeds to grow.
Q3-How does the speaker feel when he tastes the fruit of his labour?
Answer-When he tastes the fruits of his labour, the speaker feels that his body is one with the earth.
Q3- Who is the writer of the poem sowing the seed?
Answer-Wendell Berry