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Total english practice paper 6 unseen passage solutions
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Tom Yorkfield had always regarded his cousin Lawrence with dislike. Lawrence had left the village early, he had taken up painting as a profession and was reported to be doing fairly well at it. He specialised in painting animals.
Tom felt that he was superior in achievements to his cousin. He was a farmer whose farm had a good reputation for the stock raised on it. Tom had done his best to improve the standard of his small herd of cattle and had bred a bull which was better than any that his immediate neighbours could show.
It was with some special pleasure that Tom took advantage of one of Lawrence’s rare visits to the farm to lead him down to the enclosure of his special bull. Some weeks ago, Lawrence had invited Tom to his art exhibition, where the centrepiece was a large canvas, representing a bull standing knee-deep in some marshy ground. Lawrence seemed inordinately pleased with it and now it was Tom’s turn to show a real picture, a living model of strength and comeliness. He unfastened a stout wooden door and led the way into the straw-bedded yard.
“Is he quiet and calm?” asked Lawrence.
“He’s playful at times,” answered Tom.
“Do you remember the painting of a bull I showed you? I’ve sold it for three hundred pounds,” said Lawrence.
Three hundred pounds! Even under the most favourable market condition, his bull would not fetch more than a hundred, Tom wondered. It was a cruel insult that went home with all the more force because it emphasised the triumph of the proud, self-satisfied Lawrence. The tables had turned, and his valued beast was made to look cheap and insignificant, besides the price paid for a mere picture. It was so monstrously unjust. These thoughts chased themselves angrily through Tom’s mind and he said, “Some soft-witted fools may like to throw away three hundred pounds on a bit of paintwork. I’d rather have the real thing than a picture of it.”
Lawrence said with a laugh of indulgent amusement, “My bull will rise in value as a piece of art and yours will last a few years, finally reduced to worth a few shillings.”
Tom nudged the bull gently and in a moment Lawrence was on its horns. It was only the vigorous intervention of Tom that induced peace. tom ungrudgingly nursed his cousin to recovery from a dislocated shoulder, and a couple of broken ribs. Tom loved his bull more than ever and Lawrence continued to be a popular animal artist but his subject was never again bulls.
Total english Practice paper 6 unseen passage Qn-4 in hindi
Understand the passage in hindi so that you will answer the given question
टॉम यॉर्कफील्ड हमेशा अपने चचेरे भाई लॉरेंस को नापसंद करते थे। लॉरेंस ने गाँव जल्दी छोड़ दिया था, उसने पेंटिंग को एक पेशे के रूप में अपना लिया था, और बताया गया था कि वह इसमें काफी अच्छा कर रहा है। उन्होंने जानवरों को चित्रित करने में विशेषज्ञता हासिल की थी ।
टॉम को लगता था कि उपलब्धियों में वह अपने चचेरे भाई से श्रेष्ठ है। वह एक किसान था, जिसके खेत में उपजे स्टॉक के लिए उसकी अच्छी प्रतिष्ठा थी। टॉम ने अपने मवेशियों के छोटे झुंड के स्तर को सुधारने के लिए अपनी पूरी कोशिश की थी, और एक बैल पैदा किया था जो कि उसके निकटतम पड़ोसियों को दिखा सकता था।
एक दिन टॉम ने लॉरेंस के खेत में दुर्लभ यात्राओं में से एक का लाभ उठाया और उसे अपने विशेष बैल के बाड़े में ले गया। कुछ हफ़्ते पहले, लॉरेंस ने टॉम को अपनी कला प्रदर्शनी में आमंत्रित किया था, जहाँ केंद्रबिंदु एक बड़ा कैनवास था, जो किसी दलदली जमीन में घुटने के बल खड़े एक बैल का प्रतिनिधित्व करता था। लॉरेंस असाधारण रूप से इससे प्रसन्न लग रहा था और अब टॉम की वास्तविक तस्वीर दिखाने की बारी थी, ताकत और सुंदरता का एक जीवित मॉडल। उसने एक मजबूत लकड़ी के दरवाजे को खोल दिया और भूसे से भरे अहाते में ले गया
“क्या वह शांत और शांत है?” लॉरेंस से पूछा।
“वह कई बार चंचल है,” टॉम ने उत्तर दिया।
“क्या आपको एक बैल की पेंटिंग याद है जो मैंने आपको दिखाई थी? मैंने इसे तीन सौ पाउंड में बेचा है,” लॉरेंस ने कहा।
तीन सौ पाउंड! यहां तक कि सबसे अनुकूल बाजार की स्थिति के तहत उसका बैल सौ से अधिक नहीं लाएगा, टॉम ने सोचा। यह एक क्रूर अपमान था जो अधिक बल के साथ घर गया क्योंकि इसने गर्वित, आत्म-संतुष्ट लॉरेंस की जीत पर जोर दिया। मेज बदल गई थी, और उसके मूल्यवान जानवर को केवल एक तस्वीर के लिए भुगतान की गई कीमत के अलावा, सस्ता और महत्वहीन दिखने के लिए बनाया गया था। यह इतना राक्षसी अन्याय था। इन विचारों ने टॉम के दिमाग में गुस्से से अपना पीछा किया और उन्होंने कहा, “कुछ नरम-बुद्धि वाले मूर्ख थोड़े से पेंटवर्क पर तीन सौ पाउंड फेंकना पसंद कर सकते हैं। मैं इसकी तस्वीर के बजाय असली चीज़ लेना पसंद करूंगा।”
लॉरेंस ने हँसी-मज़ाक की हँसी के साथ कहा, “मेरा बैल कला के एक टुकड़े के रूप में मूल्य में वृद्धि करेगा और तुम्हारा कुछ वर्षों तक चलेगा, अंत में कुछ शिलिंग के लायक हो जाएगा।”
टॉम ने धीरे से बैल को थपथपाया और एक क्षण में लॉरेंस उसके सींगों पर था। यह केवल टॉम द्वारा प्रेरित शांति का जोरदार हस्तक्षेप था। टॉम ने अपने चचेरे भाई को एक अव्यवस्थित कंधे, और टूटी हुई पसलियों के एक जोड़े से उबरने के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर देखभाल की। टॉम अपने बैल को पहले से कहीं अधिक प्यार करता था और लॉरेंस एक लोकप्रिय पशु कलाकार बना रहा लेकिन उसका विषय फिर कभी बैल नहीं था।
Total english practice paper 6 unseen passage questions and answers
(a) Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage. One-word answers or short phrases will be accepted.
(i) Reputation- The beliefs or opinions that we make about someone.
(ii) inordinately- excessively.
(iii) induced- Influencing to do something
Unseen passage class 9 total english question answers
(b) Answer the following questions briefly, in your own words.
(i) What was Tom’s attitude towards Lawrence?
Answer. Tom disliked his cousin Lawrence and always considered his achievements to be superior to Lawrence’s.
(ii) Why did Tom have a sense of superiority?
Answer. Tom was a farmer, and his farm had a good reputation for the stock raised on it, for which he always considered his achievements to be superior to those of Lawrence, who was a painter by profession.
(iii) Why was taking Lawrence to the yard a special pleasure for Tom?
Ans. Taking Lawrence to the yard was a special pleasure for Tom because it was a great opportunity for Tom to present his bull, which was not a simple painting of a bull made by Lawrence but a living model of beauty and strength.
(iv) What was unjust according to Tom?
Ans. According to Tom, a simple painting of a bull could sell for three hundred pounds, whereas his prized bull would sell for one hundred pounds in the market even under the most favourable conditions, which was an insult and an injustice to him.
(v) What did Tom do to equal the unjust behaviour of Lawrence?
Answer: In order to equal the unjustness of Lawrence’s behaviour, Tom simply nudges his bull, which causes the bull to throw Lawrence with its horns and break Lawrence’s shoulder and ribs.
Total english practice paper 6 unseen passage class notes
(c) In not more than 50 words, narrate the incident that took place at the farmyard.
Answer. Tom was enraged by Lawrence’s sarcastic remark about his bull: that Lawrence’s painting would fetch more money than Tom’s bull in the future as his would age and lose value. Due to this, Tom pushed his bull, and the bull threw Lawrence, breaking some of his ribs and dislocating his shoulder.
FAQs-Total english practice paper 6 unseen passage
Q1-What did Tom do to equal the unjust behaviour of Lawrence?
Answer: In order to equal the unjustness of Lawrence’s behaviour, Tom simply nudges his bull, which causes the bull to throw Lawrence with its horns and break Lawrence’s shoulder and ribs.
Q2-What was Tom’s attitude towards Lawrence?
Answer. Tom disliked his cousin Lawrence and always considered his achievements to be superior to Lawrence’s.
Q3-Why did Tom have a sense of superiority?
Answer. Tom was a farmer, and his farm had a good reputation for the stock raised on it, for which he always considered his achievements to be superior to those of Lawrence, who was a painter by profession