PC Wren’s grammar class 7 chapter 4 solutions- Here we will share PC Wren’s grammar class 7 chapter 4 solutions. If you are looking for PC Wren’s grammar class 7 chapter 4 answer key and pdf then you are in the right place. queryexpress gives you the best solutions to PC Wren’s grammar class 7.
PC Wren’s grammar class 7 chapter 4 solutions
In this article, we are going to give the answer key to PC Wren’s grammar class 7, chapter 4. PC Wren’s grammar class, Chapter 4, is all about Articles. Here you will find the answers to each chapter of PC Wren’s Grammar Class 7 book. So without wasting any time, let’s move to the Class 7 PC Wren’s english grammar answer key.

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PC Wren’s grammar class 7 chapter 4 answer key
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the as may be suitable.
- Copper is __ useful metal.
- He is not __ honourable man.
- Honest men speak _ truth.
- Do you see __ blue sky?
- Benares is __ holy city.
- He returned after ____hour.
- __ school will shortly close for the Puja holidays.
- Yesterday ___European called at my office.
- The guide knows ___way.
- Sri Lanka is ___island.
- Copper is a useful metal.
- He is not an honourable man.
- Honest men speak the truth.
- Do you see the blue sky?
- Benares is a holy city.
- He returned after an hour.
- The school will shortly close for the Puja holidays.
- Yesterday a European called at my office.
- The guide knows the way.
- Sri Lanka is an island.
Class 7 PC Wren’s chapter 4 answers pdf
Exercise 2
A. Insert articles where necessary.
- While there is life there is hope.
2.Sun rises in east. - The brave soldier lost arm in battle.
- The doctor says it is hopeless case.
- I like to live in open air.
- Get pound of sugar from nearest grocer.
- Set back clock; it is hour too fast.
- You must take care.
- While there is life, there is hope.
- The sun rises in the east.
- The brave soldier lost an arm in battle.
- The doctor says it is a hopeless case.
- I like to live in the open air.
- Get a pound of sugar from the nearest grocer.
- Set back the clock; it is an hour too fast.
- You must take care.
Conclusion-PC Wren’s grammar class 7 chapter 4 answer key
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