King for a day class 5 MCQs Dreamcatcher

King for a day class 5 MCQs-Today we will discuss the MCQs of Class 5 Chapter 11 King for a Day. Apart from this, we will solve the fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions of King for a Day Class 5 Dreamcatcher English Reader book. Hope you guys copy this in your notebook and prepare for the upcoming examination.

King for a day class 5 MCQs English reader Dreamcatcher

King for a Day is a beautiful Punjabi folk tale that teaches that you remain whatever you are otherwise you will become a laughing stock. In this story, The cunning fox wanted to show himself as a king over every animal, but a small lizard made fun of him and went away. Let’s solve some MCQs from this interesting story “king for a day” which will be important for your examination.

King for a day class 5 MCQs Dreamcatcher

A. “Halt and go” who said this to every animal?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Tiger
  3. Fox
  4. Elephant

B. Who was the self-crowned king in the story “King for a day”?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Tiger
  3. Fox
  4. Elephant

C. Who was the first to acknowledge the self-crowned king?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Tiger
  3. Fox
  4. Elephant

D. “Can’t you see how magnificent my throne is”? Who was the listener?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Tiger
  3. Fox
  4. Elephant

E. Who composed the verse of tribute for himself?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Tiger
  3. Fox
  4. Elephant

F. I am too thirsty to argue. Who said this to whom?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Tiger
  3. Fox
  4. Elephant

MCQs of King for a day chapter 11 English reader

G. Where did he find an ancient pair of embroidered shoes?

  1. In a Dustbin
  2. Rubbish dump
  3. Near riverside
  4. None of the above

H. How did he make his throne?

  1. Mud and stick
  2. Mud and bone
  3. Clay and bamboo
  4. All of the above

I. He was twirling a ____________branch between his fingers.

  1. Peepal
  2. Neem
  3. Mango
  4. None of the above

J. “Never heard such nonsense in all my long years as grizzly”. Who said this?

  1. Tiger
  2. Bear
  3. Lizard
  4. Elephant

K. Your elocution teacher at school must have been outstanding. Who said to whom?

  1. Fox to elephant
  2. Fox to Lizard
  3. Fox to Bear
  4. Fox to tiger

L. Who appeared through a leafy groove?

  1. Tiger
  2. Elephant
  3. Lizard
  4. None of the above

MCQs of King for a day class 5 chapter 11

M. Fox is the new king of the _____________

  1. Jungle
  2. Riverside
  3. Town
  4. None of the above

N. A new king? Where? I don’t see one. Who said this?

  1. Tiger
  2. Bear
  3. Elephant
  4. None of the above

O. Who wins top prizes for recitation?

  1. Little son of Elephant
  2. Little son of Tiger
  3. Little son of Bear
  4. All of the above

P. I can’t believe my ears. Who declared?

  1. The lizard
  2. The elephant
  3. The tiger
  4. The bear

Q. I am the monarch of all I survey. Who said to whom?

  1. Fox to Buffalo
  2. Fox to Tiger
  3. Fox to Bear
  4. Fox to lizard

R. I remember all very clearly now immortal words. Who said this?

  1. Elephant
  2. Lizard
  3. Tiger
  4. Bear

King for a day class 5 English reader quiz

S. What throne? Just a pile of rubbish. Who said this?

  1. Elephant
  2. Lizard
  3. Tiger
  4. Bear

T. Why don’t I have a sip before I try? Who said this?

  1. Bear
  2. Elephant
  3. Lizard
  4. Tiger

U. How dare you to pass the monarch without greeting him? Who was the listener?

  1. Elephant
  2. Bear
  3. Lizard
  4. None of the above

V. Haven’t you noticed a new king by the river? Who said to whom?

  1. Fox to tiger
  2. Fox to lizard
  3. Fox to bear
  4. Fox to Buffalo

W. Can’t you see how magnificent my throne is? Who said to whom?

  1. Fox to bear
  2. Fox to Buffalo
  3. Fox to tiger
  4. Fox to lizard

King for a day class 5 MCQs-Answers

AFoxGRubbish dumpMRiversideSBear
BFoxHMud and boneNTigerTLizard
CBuffaloINeemOThe little son of TigerUBear
DBuffaloJBearPThe LizardVFox to Tiger
EFoxKFox to bearQFox to BuffaloWFox to Buffalo
King for a day class 5 MCQs-Answers

King for a day Fill in the blanks with prepositions

The child paid no attention ________ his mother’s instructions.

  1. With
  2. To
  3. from
  4. for

He may commence his journey _____ Gangotri in a day or two.

  1. With
  2. To
  3. from
  4. for

While Seema was walking ___ the pavement she noticed a yellow car parked ____ the tree.

  1. In
  2. On
  3. Under
  4. At

I looked ____ the statue with amazement

  1. On
  2. Under
  3. At
  4. In

He was thrilled _____ the success of his new venture.

  1. On
  2. With
  3. In
  4. For

Can you translate this passage _____ English?

  1. In
  2. Into
  3. For
  4. To

Remember that you will compete _______ the best in the country.

  1. To
  2. for
  3. With
  4. for

The date has coincided _____ another important festival date.

  1. To
  2. for
  3. With
  4. for

He was relieved _____ his post.

  1. To
  2. for
  3. With
  4. from

In fear, the child crouched ______ a table.

  1. In
  2. on
  3. Under
  4. At


To, From, On & Under, At, With, Into, With, With, From, Under

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