Class 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs and fill in the blanks

Class 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs and fill in the blanks– Here, we will share Class 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs and fill in the blanks type questions and answers. If you are searching for Class 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs and fill in the blanks, you are at the right place. queryexpress provides the most important class 8 science chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum MCQs and fill in the blanks for you.

Class 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs and fill in the blanks

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Materials found in nature are called __________.

Answer: natural resources

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Resources that are present in unlimited quantity and cannot be exhausted by human activities are called __________ natural resources.

Answer: inexhaustible,

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Resources that are present in limited quantity and can be exhausted by human activities are called __________ natural resources.
    • Examples of exhaustible natural resources include coal, __________, and natural gas.

Answer: exhaustible, petroleum

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of __________ buried under the earth millions of years ago.
    • Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of __________.

Answer: living organisms, fossil fuels

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Coal is a hard, black combustible mineral that consists mainly of __________.
    • In India, coal is found mainly in Bihar, West Bengal, __________, and Madhya Pradesh.

Answer: carbon, Orissa

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • The slow process by which dead plants buried deep under the earth have become coal is called __________.
    • Coal is used as a fuel in homes and __________.

Answer: carbonisation, industry

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • The products obtained by heating coal in the absence of air include coal gas, coal tar, and __________.
    • The strong heating of coal in the absence of air is called __________ of coal.

Answer: coke, destructive distillation

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Coal gas is mainly a mixture of methane and hydrogen, with some __________.
    • Coal tar is a thick, black liquid obtained by heating coal in the absence of air and contains about __________ carbon compounds.

Answer: carbon monoxide, 200

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Coke is a tough and porous black solid substance that is 98 per cent __________.
    • Coke is used as a _______in the extraction of metals.

Answer: carbon, reducing agent

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • The real source of energy of coal is the __________ energy.
    • The compounds obtained from coal tar are used to make synthetic fibres, drugs, plastics, __________, and perfumes.

Answer: solar, synthetic dyes

Coal and Petroleum MCQ Class 8 Chapter 5 NCERT

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Natural fuels formed from the remains of living organisms are called __________.
    • Coal, petroleum, and natural gas were formed by the decomposition of __________ buried under the earth.

Answer: fossil fuels, fossils

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Fossils are the remains of pre-historic __________ or animals.
    • Coal is found in deep coal __________ under the surface of the earth.

Answer: plants, mines

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • The process by which dead plants and trees were converted into coal involved high pressure, high temperature, and the absence of __________.
    • Coal is mainly used as a source of __________ energy.

Answer: air, heat

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Coal gas was used for street lighting for the first time in __________ in the year 1810.
    • These days, coal gas is used more as a source of __________ rather than light.

Answer: London, heat

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Coal tar has been traditionally used for metalling the __________.
    • Coke is mainly used as a _____ in the extraction of metals

Answer: roads, reducing agent

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Coal gas is obtained by the strong heating of coal in the absence of __________ during the processing of coal to get __________.
    • Coal gas is a mixture of __________ and hydrogen.

Answer: air, coke, methane

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Naphthalene balls, used to repel moths and other insects, are obtained from __________.
    • The products obtained from coal tar are separated by the process of __________ distillation.

Answer: coal tar, fractional

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • _____ is an almost pure form of carbon.
    • Coke burns without producing any __________ whereas coal produces a lot of it on burning.

Answer: Coke, smoke

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • The natural processes like __________, volcanoes, and floods helped bury forests under the surface of the earth millions of years ago.
    • The temperature __________ as the buried remains sank deeper and deeper into the earth.

Answer: earthquakes, rose

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • The real source of energy in coal is the __________ energy absorbed by plants during __________.
    • Coal tar is used to make __________ materials for roads.

Answer: solar, photosynthesis, roofing

Coal and petroleum class 8 chapter 5 MCQs and fill in the blanks

  1.  _______ is used for making candles, vaseline, ointments, wax paper, and grease.

Answer: Paraffin wax

  1. _______ is used for road surfacing.

Answer: Bitumen

  1. Petroleum is not a single chemical compound; it is a complex mixture of compounds known as ________.

Answer: hydrocarbons

  1. Hydrocarbons are compounds made up of only two elements: ________ and ________.

Answer: carbon, hydrogen

  1. Petroleum is insoluble in ________ and is a natural resource obtained from deep ________

Answer: water, oil wells

  1. Just like coal, petroleum is also a ________ fuel, and it is also called ‘________ oil’ or ‘________ oil’.

Answer: fossil, crude, mineral

  1. Petroleum was formed by the decomposition of the remains of tiny ________ and ________ buried under the sea millions of years ago.

Answer: plants, animals

  1. Petroleum is extracted by drilling holes (called ________)

Answer: oil wells

  1. The world’s first oil well was drilled in ________ (USA) in 1859.

Answer: Pennsylvania

  1. In India, petroleum (oil) is found in Assam, Gujarat, Mumbai High (off-shore area), and near the basins of ________ and ________ rivers.

Answer: Godavari, Krishna

Coal and Petroleum class 8 quiz with Answers

  1. The crude petroleum oil has to be ________ before it can be used for specific purposes.

Answer: refined

  1. The process of separating crude petroleum oil into more useful fractions is called ________.

Answer: refining

  1. The refining of petroleum is carried out in an oil ________, where crude petroleum oil is separated into different useful fractions by the process of ________ ________.

Answer: refinery, fractional distillation

  1. _______does not leave behind any solid residue on burning.

Answer: LPG

  1. LPG has a low calorific value (T/F)

Answer: False

  1. Petrol is used as a fuel in light motor vehicles and also as a solvent for ________.

Answer: dry cleaning

  1. _______ is used as aviation fuel in jet aeroplanes.

Answer: Kerosene

  1. Diesel is used for ________ in agriculture and in electric ________ to produce electricity on a small scale.

Answer: irrigation, generators

  1. Lubricating oil is used for lubrication in ________ and ________.

Answer: machines, engines

  1. Paraffin wax is used for making ________, vaseline, ointments, wax paper, and grease.

Answer: candles

Coal and petroleum Class 8 Fill in the blanks

  1. Bitumen is used for road surfacing and for ________ the roofs of buildings.

Answer: waterproofing

  1. The gas used for domestic cooking is called ________

Answer: Liquefied Petroleum Gas

  1. ______ does not produce any poisonous gases on burning.

Answer: LPG

  1. The heat produced by the burning of LPG is used for ________ ________.

Answer: cooking food

  1. One of the advantages of LPG is that it burns ________ and has a high ________ ________.

Answer: easily, calorific value

  1. LPG burns with a ________ flame and does not cause ________ pollution.

Answer: smokeless, air

  1. LPG does not produce any ________ gases on burning.

Answer: poisonous

  1. LPG does not leave behind any ________ residue on burning.

Answer: solid

  1. The crude petroleum oil extracted from oil wells is taken to the ‘oil refinery’ through ________.

Answer: pipes

  1. The refining of petroleum into different fractions is done by ______.

Answer: fractional distillation

Coal and petroleum Class 8 one-word Questions

  1. Petroleum gas is mainly used as a fuel in ________ and ________.

Answer: homes, industry

  1. Petrol is primarily used as a fuel in ________ motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and scooters.

Answer: light

  1. A special grade of kerosene oil is used as ________ fuel in jet aeroplanes.

Answer: aviation

  1. Diesel is used to run ________ sets for irrigation in agriculture.

Answer: pump

  1. Diesel is also used in ________ generators to produce electricity on a small scale.

Answer: Electric

  1. The refining of petroleum provides lubricating oil, which is used in ________ and engines.

Answer: machines

  1. ________ is used for lubrication in machines and engines (like car engines).

Answer: Lubricating oil

  1. Bitumen, a fraction of petroleum, is used for ________ surfacing.

Answer: road

  1. Bitumen is also used in making black ________.

Answer: paints

  1. Petroleum is found trapped between two layers of ________ rocks.

Answer: impervious

  1. Natural gas occurs above the ________ oil trapped under the rocks.

Answer: petroleum

42. The refining of petroleum is carried out in an _______

Answer- oil refinery

Coal and Petroleum class 8 MCQs and fill in the blanks

Natural gas mainly consists of __________ with small quantities of __________ and __________.

  • Answer: methane; ethane; propane

·  Natural gas is formed by the decomposition of __________ lying under water, carried out by __________ in the absence of air.

  • Answer: vegetable matter; anaerobic bacteria

·  Compressed natural gas (CNG) is natural gas compressed by applying __________.

  • Answer: pressure

·  Natural gas is considered a clean fuel because it burns without producing __________ and does not cause __________.

  • Answer: smoke; air pollution

·  Natural gas is stored under high pressure as __________ for easier storage, transport, and use.

  • Answer: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

·  Natural gas can be used directly for heating purposes in homes and industries without the need to add __________.

  • Answer: anything else

·  Natural gas is supplied to homes and factories through a network of __________.

  • Answer: underground pipes

·  CNG is increasingly used as a fuel in transport vehicles to reduce __________ in cities.

  • Answer: air pollution

·  Natural gas is a starting material for the manufacture of a number of chemicals known as __________.

  • Answer: petrochemicals

·  The known reserves of natural gas in India are found in states like Tripura, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and in the __________ delta.

  • Answer: Krishna-Godavari

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 MCQ Online Test

·  Natural gas consists mainly of __________ with small quantities of __________ and __________.

  • Answer: methane; ethane; propane

·  Natural gas occurs deep under the crust of the earth either alone or along with __________.

  • Answer: oil

·  Natural gas is formed under the earth by the decomposition of __________ matter in the absence of air.

  • Answer: vegetable

·  Natural gas is also known as __________ gas when stored under high pressure.

  • Answer: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

·  Natural gas burns with a __________ flame and does not produce __________ on burning.

  • Answer: smokeless; smoke

·  Natural gas does not leave behind any __________ residue on burning.

  • Answer: solid

·  __________ is a major advantage of natural gas because it can be supplied through a network of underground pipes.

  • Answer: Convenience

·  Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is increasingly used as a fuel in __________ vehicles.

  • Answer: Transport

·  Natural gas is used as a source of __________ gas needed to manufacture fertilisers.

  • Answer: hydrogen

·  Natural gas is a starting material for the manufacture of a wide range of chemicals known as __________.

  • Answer: petrochemicals

·  Natural gas reserves have been found in __________ delta in India.

  • Answer: Krishna-Godavari

·  The process of separating crude petroleum oil into more useful fractions is called __________.

  • Answer: refining

·  One of the uses of natural gas is as a fuel in __________ power stations for generating electricity.

  • Answer: Thermal

·  __________ is used as a domestic and industrial fuel.

  • Answer: Natural gas

·  Natural gas does not cause __________ gases on burning, making it a cleaner fuel.

  • Answer: poisonous

·  __________ gas obtained from natural gas is used in the manufacture of fertilisers.

  • Answer: Hydrogen

·  Natural gas burns with a __________ flame and is considered a clean fuel.

  • Answer: smokeless

·  __________, __________, and __________ are fractions obtained from the refining of petroleum.

  • Answer: Petrol; Diesel; Kerosene

·  The network of pipelines for the supply of natural gas exists in cities like _______and parts of __________.

  • Answer: ·  Vadodra, Delhi

_______ obtained from petroleum and natural gas are used in the manufacture of __________, synthetic fibres, plastics, drugs, and dyes.

  • Answer: ·  Petrochemicals, detergents

·  Natural gas is considered a clean fuel because it does not produce __________ on burning.

  • Answer: Smoke

·  Natural gas is obtained from deep __________ wells dug in certain areas of the earth.

  • Answer: oil

·  The formation of natural gas is a result of the decomposition of __________ matter by anaerobic bacteria.

  • Answer: vegetable

·  One of the advantages of natural gas is its ability to be used directly for heating purposes in homes and __________.

  • Answer: industry

·  __________, __________, and __________ are examples of petrochemicals obtained from petroleum and natural gas.

  • Answer: Benzene; Ethylene; Toluene

·  The known reserves of natural gas in India are found in states like Tripura, __________, Maharashtra, and the Krishna-Godavari delta.

  • Answer: Rajasthan

·  __________ gas is used in vehicles as an alternative to petrol and diesel to reduce air pollution in cities.

  • Answer: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

·  Natural gas is stored and transported under high pressure to form ______

  • Answer: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

·  Natural gas is considered a __________ fuel because it does not produce smoke or solid residue on burning.

  • Answer: clean

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 MCQ PDF

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