Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources One word Answers

Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources One word Answers- here, we will share Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources One word Answers. if you are searching for Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources One word Answers, then you are at the right place.

Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources One word Answers

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Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources fill in the blanks

  1. Land covers only about ____ per cent of the total area of the earth’s surface. 30%
  2. Ninety per cent of the world population occupies only ____ per cent of land area. 30%
  3. The rugged topography, steep slopes of the mountains, and desert areas are examples of land that is typically ____ populated. sparsely
  4. Land used for agriculture, forestry, mining, and building houses is termed as ____.Land use
  5. Private land is owned by ____.individuals
  6. Community land is owned by the ____ for common uses. community
  7. Land degradation, landslides, and soil erosion are major threats to the ____.environment
  8. Afforestation, land reclamation, and regulated use of chemical pesticides are methods used to ____ land resources. conserve
  9. The thin layer of grainy substance covering the surface of the earth is called ____.soil
  10. Soil is made up of organic matter, minerals, and weathered ____.Rocks
  11. The breaking up and decay of exposed rocks due to temperature changes, frost action, and other factors is known as ____.weathering
  12. Landslides are the mass movement of rock, debris, or earth down a ____.slope
  13. Hazard mapping helps to locate areas prone to ____.landslides
  14. The major factors affecting soil formation include the nature of the parent rock and ____ factors. climatic
  15. Soil erosion and depletion are major threats to ____ as a resource. soil
  16. Mulching involves covering bare ground between plants with a layer of ____ matter. organic
  17. Contour barriers are made using stones, grass, and ____.soil
  18. Terrace farming is used to create broad flat ____ on steep slopes. steps
  19. Drip or trickle irrigation is useful in regions with high rates of ____.evaporation
  20. Fresh water accounts for only about ____ per cent of the total water available on Earth.2.7%
  21. Water is renewed through the processes of evaporation, precipitation, and
  22. The total volume of water on Earth remains ____. constant
  23. A dripping tap can waste ____ litres of water in a year.1200
  24. Water scarcity is a problem in regions such as Africa, South Asia, and ____.Australia
  25. The process of collecting rainwater from rooftops and storing it for future use is called ____.rainwater harvesting
  26. The primary vegetation types of the world include forests, grasslands, scrubs, and ____.tundra
  27. In areas with heavy rainfall, large ____ trees may thrive. tall
  28. Thorny shrubs and scrubs grow in dry areas with low ____.rainfall
  29. Tundra vegetation of cold Polar Regions comprises ____ and lichens. mosses
  30. Plants provide us with products like timber, fruits, nuts, and ____.latex
  31. Wildlife includes animals, birds, insects, and ____ life forms. aquatic
  32. Insects like bees help in the ____ of flowers. pollination
  33. The process of maintaining balance in the ecosystem is disrupted by activities such as deforestation and ____.poaching
  34. National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries are established to protect our natural ____ and wildlife. vegetation
  35. CITES aims to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their ____.survival
  36. The conservation of water resources can be achieved by methods like water ____ and proper irrigation techniques. harvesting
  37. Overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can lead to soil ____.degradation
  38. Forest cover is rapidly vanishing due to large-scale ____ of forests. clearing
  39. Due to its limited availability, the most precious substance on Earth is ____ water. fresh
  40. Forests provide essential resources like timber, oxygen, and ____.medicinal plants
  41. In the biosphere, living beings are interrelated and interdependent in a system known as the ____.ecosystem
  42. The main reason for differences in the quality of land, soil, and water resources around the world is ____.availability
  43. Contour ploughing involves ploughing parallel to the ____ of a hill slope. contours
  44. A major threat to wildlife includes the illegal trade of hides, skins, and ____.horns
  45. The role of ____ in the ecosystem includes providing shelter, aiding in humus formation, and maintaining ecological balance. plants
  46. Overgrazing and deforestation contribute to soil ____.erosion
  47. Sprinklers are used in irrigation to minimize water loss through ____.evaporation
  48. The presence of vultures helps in cleaning the environment by feeding on ____ livestock. dead
  49. Soil ____ helps retain moisture and protect against soil erosion. mulching
  50. In regions with moderate rainfall, short stunted trees and grasses form the ____ of the world. grasslands

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