Agriculture Class 8 Geography One Word Answers

Agriculture Class 8 Geography One Word Answers- here, we will share Agriculture Class 8 Geography One Word Answers. If you are searching for One Word Answers for Agriculture Class 8 Geography, then you are at the right place. queryexpress provides the best One Word or Fill in the blanks type questions and answers to Class 8 geography Chapter Agriculture.

Agriculture Class 8 Geography One Word Answers

  1. Q: The science and art of cultivation on soil and raising livestock is known as?A: Agriculture
  2. Q: Commercial rearing of silk worms is called? A: Sericulture
  3. Q: Breeding of fish in tanks and ponds is referred to as?A: Pisciculture
  4. Q: The grapes cultivation is known as?A: Viticulture
  5. Q: Growing vegetables, flowers, and fruits for commercial use is termed?A: Horticulture
  6. Q: The land used for growing crops is known as?A: Arable
  7. Q: Farming aimed at meeting the farmer’s family needs is called?A: Subsistence
  8. Q: Farming done for market sale is termed?A: Commercial
  9. Q: The practice of clearing land by felling trees and burning them is known as?A: Shifting Cultivation
  10. Q: Moving with livestock in search of fodder and water is called?A: Nomadic Herding
  11. Q: Large-scale farming of a single crop like tea or coffee is known as?A: Plantation
  12. Q: Farming using natural manure and pesticides without genetic modification is called?A: Organic Farming
  13. Q: The staple diet of tropical and sub-tropical regions is?A: Rice
  14. Q: A major food crop requiring moderate temperature and rainfall is?A: Wheat
  15. Q: Coarse grains that are hardy and require low rainfall are known as?A: Millets
  16. Q: Also known as corn, this crop requires moderate temperature and lots of sunshine?
    A: Maize
  17. Q: The crop requiring high temperatures and bright sunshine, often used in textiles, is?
    A: Cotton
  18. Q: Known as the ‘Golden Fibre,’ this crop grows well in alluvial soil and high humidity is?A: Jute
  19. Q: This beverage crop requires a warm, wet climate and well-drained soil. What is it?
    A: Coffee
  20. Q: A beverage crop requiring cool climate and well-distributed rainfall is?A: Tea
  21. Q: The use of machines in agriculture to increase productivity is known as?A: Mechanisation
  22. Q: A substance added to soil to improve its fertility is called?A: Fertiliser
  23. Q: The process of supplying water to crops is known as?A: Irrigation
  24. Q: The local market where farmers sell their produce is called?A: Mandi
  25. Q: When all people have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food is known as?A: Food Security
  26. Q: Farming that primarily produces for the farmer’s family needs is called?A: Subsistence
  27. Q: Farming aimed at producing grains for sale rather than personal use is known as?
    A: Commercial Grain Farming
  28. Q: A farming method that involves growing food and fodder crops along with rearing livestock is?A: Mixed Farming
  29. Q: Services that support primary and secondary economic activities are known as?A: Tertiary Activities
  30. Q: A type of farming with high labor input and small plots of land is known as?A: Intensive Subsistence Agriculture
  31. Q: Substances added to soil to enhance its fertility are called?A: Fertilizers
  32. Q: The work force involved in farming is known as?A: Labour
  33. Q: The operation of breaking up and turning over soil is called?A: Ploughing
  34. Q: _______ is the process of planting seeds in the soil.A: Sowing
  35. Q: Removing unwanted plants from crop fields is called?A: Weeding
  36. Q: The process of gathering mature crops from the fields is known as?A: Harvesting
  37. Q: The supply of water to crops through artificial means is called?A: Irrigation
  38. Q: Land suitable for growing crops is termed?A: Arable
  39. Q: Rearing of domestic birds like chickens for eggs and meat is known as?A: Poultry
  40. Q: _______ raised for milk, meat, or labor. A: Cattle
  41. Q: Food given to livestock is known as?A: Fodder
  42. Q: A method of farming on sloped land by creating flat areas is called?A: Terracing
  43. Q: Farming that avoids synthetic chemicals and uses natural inputs is termed?A: Organic
  44. Q: A structure used to grow plants in controlled conditions is known as?A: Greenhouse
  45. Q: The amount of crop produced per unit area is called?A: Yield
  46. Q: The practice of growing different crops sequentially on the same land is known as?
    A: Crop Rotation
  47. Q: A method of irrigation that delivers water directly to the roots of plants is?A: Drip Irrigation
  48. Q: The farming of aquatic organisms such as fish and shellfish is known as?A: Aquaculture
  49. Q: _______ is the process of gathering crops from the fields. A: Harvest
  50. Q: The practice of integrating trees and shrubs into crop and livestock systems is called?
    A: Agroforestry

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