From Trade to Territory Class 8 MCQs

From Trade to Territory Class 8 MCQs- Here, we will share from Trade to Territory Class 8 MCQs. If you are searching for a History Chapter From Trade to Territory Class 8 MCQs, you are in the right place. queryexpress provides the best solutions to the Class 8 SST book.

From Trade to Territory Class 8 MCQs

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From Trade to Territory Class 8 History MCQs

Who was the Mughal Emperor at the time of the British East India Company’s arrival in India?

  • A) Akbar
  • B) Jahangir
  • C) Shah Jahan
  • D) Bahadur Shah Zafar

 In which year was the East India Company established?

  • A) 1498
  • B) 1600
  • C) 1700
  • D) 1757

Which battle marked the beginning of British control over India?

  • A) Battle of Buxar
  • B) Battle of Plassey
  • C) Battle of Panipat
  • D) Battle of Waterloo

Who was the first British Governor-General of India?

  • A) Warren Hastings
  • B) Robert Clive
  • C) Lord Dalhousie
  • D) Lord Cornwallis

What was the primary purpose of the East India Company when it was first established?

  • A) Political dominance
  • B) Trade and commerce
  • C) Military conquest
  • D) Religious missions

Which Mughal ruler granted the East India Company the right to trade in Bengal in 1691?

  • A) Aurangzeb
  • B) Shah Alam
  • C) Farrukhsiyar
  • D) Akbar

What was the key outcome of the Battle of Plassey in 1757?

  • A) Defeat of the Marathas
  • B) Establishment of British control over Bengal
  • C) Victory of the French over the British
  • D) Overthrow of the Mughal Empire

 Who was the leader of the British forces at the Battle of Plassey?

  • A) Lord Clive
  • B) Warren Hastings
  • C) Robert Clive
  • D) James Watt

Which policy was introduced by Lord Dalhousie to annex Indian states?

  • A) Subsidiary Alliance
  • B) Doctrine of Lapse
  • C) Permanent Settlement
  • D) Subsidiary Pact

Which Indian leader is known for his resistance against British annexation in Kitoor?

  • A) Rani Channamma
  • B) Tipu Sultan
  • C) Bahadur Shah Zafar
  • D) Nana Saheb

What was the primary function of the Collectorate under British rule?

  • A) Trade regulation
  • B) Revenue collection
  • C) Military defence
  • D) Judicial Administration

Which act was passed in 1773 to regulate the affairs of the East India Company?

  • A) Regulating Act
  • B) Charter Act
  • C) Government of India Act
  • D) Indian Councils Act

In which year the Battle of Buxar was fought?

  • A) 1757
  • B) 1764
  • C) 1775
  • D) 1784

Who was Mir Jafar?

  • A) A Maratha leader
  • B) A French general
  • C) The Nawab of Bengal
  • D) A Mughal emperor

Which ruler’s death led to the downfall of the Mughal Empire in 1857?

  • A) Akbar
  • B) Shah Jahan
  • C) Bahadur Shah Zafar
  • D) Aurangzeb

Who was the ruler of Mysore known for his resistance against British rule?

  • A) Haidar Ali
  • B) Tipu Sultan
  • C) Rani Channamma
  • D) Shahuji

What was the main reason for the rebellion in 1857?

  • A) Economic exploitation
  • B) Cultural insensitivity
  • C) Religious discrimination
  • D) All of the above

Which British policy aimed at reducing the power of Indian rulers and increasing British control?

  • A) Subsidiary Alliance
  • B) Doctrine of Lapse
  • C) Permanent Settlement
  • D) Land Revenue Act

Who was the Governor-General during the introduction of the Doctrine of Lapse?

  • A) Lord Bentinck
  • B) Lord Dalhousie
  • C) Warren Hastings
  • D) Robert Clive

Which Maratha leader played a significant role in the resistance against British control?

  • A) Shivaji
  • B) Nana Saheb
  • C) Rani Channamma
  • D) Mahadji Sindhia

What was the primary aim of the Subsidiary Alliance system?

  • A) To establish a trade monopoly
  • B) To maintain military defence
  • C) To ensure political dominance
  • D) To spread British culture

Which city was the headquarters for the East India Company’s operations in India?

  • A) Bombay
  • B) Calcutta
  • C) Delhi
  • D) Madras

Who was responsible for the regulation of the East India Company’s administration after the Regulating Act of 1773?

  • A) The British Parliament
  • B) The Nawab of Bengal
  • C) The Governor-General
  • D) The Mughal Emperor

Which act introduced the practice of appointing a British Governor-General in India?

  • A) Regulating Act
  • B) Charter Act
  • C) Government of India Act
  • D) Indian Councils Act

What was the impact of the Battle of Plassey on the East India Company’s control in India?

  • A) It weakened the Company’s control
  • B) It established British dominance in Bengal
  • C) It led to the downfall of the British in India
  • D) It resulted in the rise of French power

Who were the “Nabobs” during the British East India Company’s rule?

  • A) Indian rulers
  • B) British officials
  • C) French traders
  • D) Dutch merchants

The Treaty of Salbai in 1782 was signed between the British and which power?

  • A) The Marathas
  • B) The French
  • C) The Portuguese
  • D) The Mysore Sultanate

Which Indian leader is famous for his efforts to establish a free Indian state against the British in Mysore?

  • A) Haidar Ali
  • B) Tipu Sultan
  • C) Rani Channamma
  • D) Nana Saheb

Which city was the British East India Company’s first settlement in India established?

  • A) Mumbai
  • B) Chennai
  • C) Calcutta
  • D) Surat

Which policy did Lord Cornwallis implement to reform the administrative structure in British India?

  • A) Permanent Settlement
  • B) Doctrine of Lapse
  • C) Subsidiary Alliance
  • D) Charter Act


  1. B) Jahangir
  2. B) 1600
  3. B) Battle of Plassey
  4. A) Warren Hastings
  5. B) Trade and commerce
  6. C) Farrukhsiyar
  7. B) Establishment of British control over Bengal
  8. C) Robert Clive
  9. B) Doctrine of Lapse
  10. A) Rani Channamma
  11. B) Revenue collection
  12. A) Regulating Act
  13. B) 1764
  14. C) The Nawab of Bengal
  15. C) Bahadur Shah Zafar
  16. B) Tipu Sultan
  17. D) All of the above
  18. B) Doctrine of Lapse
  19. B) Lord Dalhousie
  20. B) Nana Saheb
  21. C) To ensure political dominance
  22. B) Calcutta
  23. A) The British Parliament
  24. A) Regulating Act
  25. B) It established British dominance in Bengal
  26. B) British officials
  27. A) The Marathas
  28. B) Tipu Sultan
  29. D) Surat
  30. A) Permanent Settlement

From Trade to Territory Class 8 One-word questions and answers

  1. ______was the last strong Mughal ruler? Aurangzeb.
  2. ______company first came to India just for trade? The East India Company.
  3. ______ year did the East India Company get a charter from Queen Elizabeth I? 1600.
  4. _______city grew from the small village of Kalikata. Calcutta.
  5. ______was the Nawab of Bengal who stood up to the East India Company in 1757? Sirajuddaulah.
  6. ______battle marked the East India Company’s first big win in India. Plassey.
  7. ______was the Governor-General who brought in the Doctrine of Lapse? Dalhousie.
  8. _____ was the main currency used by the East India Company to buy stuff in India before the Battle of Plassey? Gold.
  9. ______ got replaced by Mir Jafar after the Battle of Plassey? Sirajuddaulah.
  10. we call Company officials ______who got rich & lived like nawabs? Nabobs.
  11. _______“paramountcy” that Lord Hastings introduced? Supremacy.
  12. ______ is the name of the doctrine that let the Company take states if there weren’t male heirs. Doctrine of Lapse.
  13. _____was the strong ruler in Mysore who fought back against the British. Tipu Sultan.
  14. ______ battle saw Tipu Sultan getting defeated and killed? Shrirangapatnam.
  15. ______ was a well-known Maratha warrior who fought against the British in the late 18th century. Nana Phadnis.
  16. ______act set up a Supreme Court in Calcutta? The Regulating Act.
  17. The East India Company created ______ army? Sepoy army.
  18. _____ was the ruler of Kitoor who resisted the British takeover. Rani Channamma.
  19. _____city was where the East India Company’s first factory was based. Hugli.
  20. What did they call the new administrative unit under British rule? Presidency.

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