MCQs on Class 10 Biology Chapter1 Transportation

MCQs on Class 10 Biology Chapter1 Transportation– Here, we will share MCQs on Class 10 Biology Chapter1 Transportation. if you are searching for fill in the blanks and MCQs on Class 10 Biology Chapter1 Transportation, then you are in the right place. queryexpress gives you the best One word and MCQs on Transportation Class 10 Biology Chapter 1.

MCQs on Class 10 Biology Chapter1 Transportation

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One word Questions and answers Biology Chapter 1 Transportation

What is the fluid medium in blood?
Answer: Plasma

Which cells carry oxygen in blood?
Answer: Red blood cells

What prevents blood from flowing backwards in the heart?
Answer: Valves

What separates oxygen-rich and carbon dioxide-rich blood in the heart?
Answer: Chambers

What organ removes carbon dioxide from blood?
Answer: Lungs

How many chambers does a fish heart have?
Answer: Two

What type of vessels carry blood away from the heart?
Answer: Arteries

What type of vessels have valves to prevent backflow?
Answer: Veins

What are the smallest blood vessels called?
Answer: Capillaries

What cells help in clotting of blood?
Answer: Platelets

One word Answers on class 10 biology chapter 1 transportation online

What is the colorless fluid similar to blood plasma?
Answer: Lymph

Where does lymph drain into from the tissues?
Answer: Lymphatic vessels

What do plants absorb from the soil for growth?
Answer: Minerals

Which tissue transports water in plants?
Answer: Xylem

What creates a suction force to pull water up in plants?
Answer: Transpiration

What is the upward movement of soluble products in plants called?
Answer: Translocation

Which part of the plant conducts photosynthates?
Answer: Phloem

What increases the osmotic pressure in phloem tissue?
Answer: ATP

What regulates the movement of material in phloem?
Answer: Osmotic pressure

What is the storage organ for excess sugar in plants?
Answer: Roots\

Transportation in Animals One word answers Class 10

What is the fluid connective tissue in our body?
Answer: Blood

What is the main function of plasma in blood?
Answer: Transport

Which organ in our body pumps blood?
Answer: Heart

What type of tissue is the heart primarily composed of?
Answer: Muscle

What separates the right and left sides of the heart?
Answer: Septum

Which chamber of the heart receives deoxygenated blood?
Answer: Right atrium

Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?
Answer: Right ventricle

What is the role of arteries in the circulatory system?
Answer: Carry

What is the role of veins in the circulatory system?
Answer: Return

Where does exchange of materials between blood and cells occur?
Answer: Capillaries

Life Processes Class 10 1 Mark Questions and Answers

What prevents loss of blood and maintains pressure?
Answer: Platelets

What is the function of lymph in the body?
Answer: Drainage

What type of plants have a xylem and phloem system?
Answer: Vascular

What do plants absorb through their roots?
Answer: Nutrients

What is the process of water movement in xylem called?
Answer: Transpiration

What does phloem transport from leaves to other parts?
Answer: Sugars

What is the pressure that moves material in phloem called?
Answer: Osmotic

What type of energy is used in phloem transport?
Answer: ATP

What is the primary organ for photosynthesis in plants?
Answer: Leaves

What is the storage form of energy in plants?
Answer: Starch

Transportation Class 10 MCQ online test

Blood is classified as a:
A) Tissue
B) Organ
C) Fluid
D) Cell
Answer: A) Tissue

Which component of blood transports oxygen?
A) Plasma
B) Red blood cells
C) Platelets
D) White blood cells
Answer: B) Red blood cells

The heart has different chambers primarily to:
A) Maintain body temperature
B) Prevent blood clotting
C) Ensure oxygen-rich blood does not mix with carbon dioxide-rich blood
D) Filter impurities from blood
Answer: C) Ensure oxygen-rich blood does not mix with carbon dioxide-rich blood

Blood is pumped to the rest of the body from which chamber of the heart?
A) Left atrium
B) Left ventricle
C) Right atrium
D) Right ventricle
Answer: B) Left ventricle

Fish have a ___ heart.
A) One-chambered
B) Two-chambered
C) Three-chambered
D) Four-chambered
Answer: B) Two-chambered

Arteries have thick, elastic walls primarily because they:
A) Carry blood under high pressure away from the heart
B) Carry blood under low pressure away from the heart
C) Carry blood towards the heart under high pressure
D) Carry blood towards the heart under low pressure
Answer: A) Carry blood under high pressure away from the heart

Which blood vessels have valves to prevent backflow?
A) Arteries
B) Capillaries
C) Veins
D) Lymph vessels
Answer: C) Veins

Where does exchange of materials between blood and cells occur?
A) Arteries
B) Veins
C) Capillaries
D) Lymph vessels
Answer: C) Capillaries

Platelets are important in:
A) Transporting oxygen
B) Preventing blood clotting
C) Phagocytosis
D) Repairing damaged blood vessels
Answer: D) Repairing damaged blood vessels

What is the colorless fluid similar to blood plasma?
A) Serum
B) Lymph
C) Interstitial fluid
D) Hemolymph
Answer: B) Lymph

In plants, water and minerals are primarily transported through:
A) Stomata
B) Phloem
C) Xylem
D) Cambium
Answer: C) Xylem

What creates a suction force to pull water up in plants?
A) Root pressure
B) Osmosis
C) Transpiration
D) Photosynthesis
Answer: C) Transpiration

The movement of soluble products of photosynthesis in plants is called:
A) Transpiration
B) Osmosis
C) Translocation
D) Respiration
Answer: C) Translocation

Which tissue in plants conducts sugars and other products of photosynthesis?
A) Xylem
B) Phloem
C) Cambium
D) Epidermis
Answer: B) Phloem

What is responsible for increasing the osmotic pressure in phloem tissue?
B) Glucose
C) Water
D) Minerals
Answer: A) ATP

What is the primary organ for photosynthesis in plants?
A) Roots
B) Flowers
C) Stems
D) Leaves
Answer: D) Leaves

What is the storage form of energy in plants?
A) Starch
B) Glucose
C) Cellulose
D) Sucrose
Answer: A) Starch

The separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart is crucial for:
A) Maintaining body temperature
B) Efficient oxygen supply
C) Preventing blood clotting
D) Storing excess nutrients
Answer: B) Efficient oxygen supply

Which of the following animals typically have a three-chambered heart?
A) Birds
B) Mammals
C) Fish
D) Amphibians
Answer: D) Amphibians

What organ removes carbon dioxide from blood in the circulatory system?
A) Kidneys
B) Lungs
C) Liver
D) Spleen
Answer: B) Lungs

In the heart, which chamber receives oxygenated blood from the lungs?
A) Left atrium
B) Left ventricle
C) Right atrium
D) Right ventricle
Answer: A) Left atrium

What prevents backflow of blood in veins?
A) Capillaries
B) Valves
C) Arteries
D) Lymph vessels
Answer: B) Valves

What is the smallest blood vessel in the body?
A) Artery
B) Vein
C) Capillary
D) Lymph vessel
Answer: C) Capillary

What cells help in clotting of blood?
A) Red blood cells
B) White blood cells
C) Platelets
D) Plasma cells
Answer: C) Platelets

Which fluid is involved in drainage of excess fluid from tissues back into the blood?
A) Blood plasma
B) Interstitial fluid
C) Lymph
D) Serum
Answer: C) Lymph

What do plants absorb primarily through their roots?
A) Sunlight
B) Water and minerals
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Oxygen
Answer: B) Water and minerals

Which tissue in plants transports water and minerals from roots to leaves?
A) Epidermis
B) Xylem
C) Phloem
D) Cambium
Answer: B) Xylem

What is the process by which water moves from roots to leaves in plants?
A) Transpiration
B) Respiration
C) Osmosis
D) Photosynthesis
Answer: A) Transpiration

What is responsible for the movement of sugars and other products in plants?
A) Xylem
B) Phloem
C) Stomata
D) Epidermis
Answer: B) Phloem

What increases the osmotic pressure in phloem tissue to move materials?
A) Sucrose
B) Water
D) Minerals
Answer: C) ATP

Fill in the blanks on Transportation Class 10 Biology

Blood transports __, oxygen, and waste materials in our bodies.
Answer: food

Plasma is the __ medium in which cells are suspended in blood.
Answer: fluid

Oxygen is carried by __ in the blood.
Answer: red blood cells

The heart prevents oxygen-rich blood from mixing with blood containing __.
Answer: carbon dioxide

Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the body to the __ atrium of the heart.
Answer: right

Fish have a __-chambered heart.
Answer: two

Arteries carry blood away from the __.
Answer: heart

Veins have valves to prevent __ of blood.
Answer: backflow

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels where exchange of materials with __ occurs.
Answer: cells

Platelets help in the __ of blood at points of injury.
Answer: clotting

Lymph is similar to blood plasma but is __ in color.
Answer: colorless

Lymph drains into lymphatic capillaries from the intercellular spaces in the __.
Answer: tissues

Plants absorb __ and other minerals from the soil.
Answer: nutrients

Xylem tissue primarily transports water and __.
Answer: minerals

Transpiration creates a suction force that helps in the upward movement of __ in plants.
Answer: water

Phloem transports products of __ from leaves to other parts of the plant.
Answer: photosynthesis

Translocation in plants occurs through specialized tissues called __ tubes.
Answer: sieve

The pressure that moves material in phloem is called __ pressure.
Answer: osmotic

ATP provides energy for loading materials into the __ tissue of plants.
Answer: phloem

Leaves are the primary organs for __ in plants.
Answer: photosynthesis

Starch is the storage form of __ in plants.
Answer: energy

Double circulation in animals involves the blood passing through the heart __ during one complete cycle.
Answer: twice

Birds and mammals have a __-chambered heart.
Answer: four

The separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart ensures __ supply to the body.
Answer: efficient

In the circulatory system, carbon dioxide is removed from blood by the __.
Answer: lungs

Oxygen-rich blood is received by the left __ of the heart.
Answer: atrium

Valves in veins prevent __ of blood.
Answer: backflow

The smallest blood vessels where exchange of materials occurs are called __.
Answer: capillaries

Platelets help in the __ of blood at injury sites.
Answer: clotting

Transpiration helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals in plants and also aids in __ regulation.
Answer: temperature

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